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We need your input!

The Santa Barbara County Association of Governments, in partnership with the Cities of Guadalupe and Santa Maria, Santa Barbara County, Caltrans, and the California Highway Patrol, is developing the SR 166 Comprehensive Corridor Study to improve access, safety, and mobility along the seven-mile SR 166 corridor connecting the Cities of Guadalupe and Santa Maria.

We are asking you to be a part of the process by:

  1. Leaving a comment on the interactive map below (directions on how to use the map are also below)
  2. Answering a few questions to the left about your experience

How to Use the Interactive Map

Provide your comments about locations in the study area on the map below. To view and add comments on the map, follow these instructions:

View a Comment

To view a comment, select a target 'map marker' on the map. This will open a panel containing the contributor's comment along with any other information they have contributed.

To close a comment, click the 'X' button within the panel.

Add a Comment

To add a comment to the map, please follow these steps:

  1. Use the 'Address Search' to find an address, nav or pan the map to the general location you want to add your comment.
  2. Select the 'Add Marker' button and click / tap the specific location on the map you want to leave your comment. This will open an input form at the side of the map.
  3. Fill out the details of the input form as required. When finished, select the 'Submit' button to leave your comment on the map.

Keyboards and Screenreaders

To make a contribution on the map using a keyboard or through assistive technologies such as screenreaders, please follow these steps:

  1. Use the 'Address Search' field to enter the location where you want to add your comment.
  2. Toggle to the 'Add Marker' button and select it. This will drop the pin at the address specified in the 'Address Search' field.
  3. Fill out the details in the input form as required. When finished, select the 'Submit' button to leave your comment on the map.