Placemaking Options for North Watt Avenue

  • Placemaking helps activate strategic nodes or areas with visual or interactive features
  • Creating a visual identity that reflects the neighborhood’s historical significance, diversity, and ecological features can encourage a sense of belonging
  • Safety is complementary in creating a sense of belonging. Implementing speed tables, raised crosswalks and other traffic calming features can foster interactions amongst community members by creating a more welcoming environment

Gateway Features

Gateway Entry

Gateway Entry

Gateway Monument

Gateway Monument


Gateway Feature Example
  • Establishing gateway features at key locations can reinforce a continued sense of community along the corridor

Public Art Integration

Special Paving Patterns

Special Paving Patterns

Edge Activation

Edge Activation

Mural Walls

Mural Walls

Place Identity & Branding

Information Kiosks

Information Kiosks



Identity Branding

Identity Branding