Alternative Roadway Configurations for North Watt Avenue

Minimum Impact (125')

Minimal impact roadway project alternative

Source: Streetmix

  • Bring corridor up to current design standards including planting strip
  • Sidewalk and bike lane gap closures

Vehicle/Bicyclist Priority (136')

Vehicle/Bicycle Priority Roadway Alternative

Source: Streetmix

  • Widen to a consistent six lane cross section
  • Install Class IV buffered bike lanes along both sides of Watt Avenue

Urban Boulevard (156')

Urban Boulevard Roadway Alternative

Source: Streetmix

  • Improve and expand the frontage road system along the east side of Watt Avenue
  • Install Class IV buffered bike lanes along the west side of Watt Avenue
  • Provide lower stress bicycle and pedestrian connections along the frontage roads
  • Limit conflicting driveways for through traffic on Watt Avenue

One-Way Couplet

34th Street (71')

One-Way Couplet Roadway Alternative – 34th Street

Source: Streetmix

North Watt Avenue (79')

One-Way Couplet Roadway Alternative – Watt Avenue

Source: Streetmix

  • Conceives North Watt Avenue as one way northbound and 34th Steet as one way southbound
  • Study from 2012 had this cross section as three travel lanes, one BRT lane, and one class II bike lane
  • Current recommendation for this alternative based on feedback removes the BRT lane and replaces the Class II bike lanes with a Class I Trail on North Watt Avenue